Newark City Hall & Senior Center Presentations
Pictured from left are Stephen Mangat, NAWC President; Polly Sierer, NAWC Past President; Jeff Martindale, Assistant to City Manager of the City of Newark; Newark Mayor Jerry Clifton; Tom Coleman, City of Newark City Manager and Joe Brady, NAWC Treasurer.
April 2021
NAWC representatives presented the City of Newark with $19,800 to contribute to past due utility accounts for 98 Newark residents who have been confronted with financial hardship during the pandemic.
At the same time, city employees presented a check for $3,425 to NAWC. Generous employees have donated $5 each month to be allowed to dress down for work on “FUNDraiser Fridays”. Their generosity has continued through COVID times, even though many have been working from home!
Pictured are NAWC President Stephen Mangat, Past President Polly Sierer, Meals on Wheels Coordinator Stefanie Thomas, Newark Senior Center Executive Director Carla Grygiel, and NAWC Treasurer Joe Brady
A big thank you to our friends at City Hall!
At the Newark Senior Center, NAWC presented $10,000 to the NCS Meals on Wheels program. They have seen a significant increase in seniors’ needs for nutritious meals in the past year, as well as an increased need for fund